+351 273 331 826 (Chamada para Rede Fixa Nacional) |

About Us

Emílio Martins Transportes e Turismo is nowadays a travel agency that, thanks to its wide range of products and services, offers unique vacations, organizes tours and trips with exceptional quality and comfort, all because we have our own high-quality buses range, always making sure your fun comes first.



    "The difference...

    with exceptional quality, colorful, fun, incomparable, supreme, effective ...

    it's the holidays with Emilio Martins!"

    são as férias com a Emilio Martins!"



The ability to analyze the market and our vision has enabled us to anticipate the potential of weekend tourism in order to ensure that our customers can enjoy the weekend away from the stress and bustle of the week by recovering energy and same time enjoying unique and charming places at affordable prices. Our bus rental service makes it possible for us to organize your end-of-course trip or other services for you, just need to tell us where you want to go that we handle everything.

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Em cumprimento da lei nº 144/2015 informamos que para a resolução de conflitos de consumo deve ser contactada a comissão arbitral do Turismo de Portugal www.turismodeportugal.pt